Wednesday, June 06, 2007


I must admit, I cannot stop reading about Paris Hilton being in Jail. It really is quite fantastic, and I'm beginning to like Paris Hilton probably more than I would really tell you. Maybe she is smart, or has a brain, and is just a bit sheltered and doesn't know how to fill up a gas tank. I mean, that'd be a nice problem to have rather than not being able to afford a car. Sure, she's annoying and skinny and rich, but I can't think of a reason why I like her. This is great. But I do. I sincerely don't like Nicole Richie and Lindsay Lohan though. And I'm beginning to detest these celeb blogs, but celebrities really are the only thing that entertain me at work. Them and shopping. At least I pick the one of them doesn't cost me money.


Unknown said...

Does this mean you read Rosie's blog too?

Mallory Jan said...

Oh you and Paris. I still think that is really weird. Well enjoy it. I kind of hope she gets injured in jail.

Alaina said...

I can't STAND Nichole. Believe it or not, we watched part of a Simple Life episode thismorning amidst all of the news... I secretly agree with you on Paris being likeable, but I'm detesting Nichole and how rude she is...

PS Stick to the free stuff!