Thursday, September 27, 2007

So good to me.....

Thursday just might be worming it's way into my heart as my favorite day in the week. Why would I like Thursday?, you might ask, and here I will tell you. Thursdays I have anatomy which starts at 10AM. It's my early class. Ha ha! But I actually get up in the mornings, unlike days when I don't start until 11 or 1. After completion of Anatomy I have a joyous three hours until Microbiology. These three hours are the happiest of my life. You see, today I got a delicious maple frosted doughnut with sprinkles from Sugar and Spice. I took this doughnut on a walk to the library, where I sat in the sun eating my doughnut for ten minutes before I went inside the 'brary. I still have ample time to do my homework that needs finishing for MMBIO, and I won't be stressed at all because I don't have to cram for the next two hours. After class is over at a fantastic 3:30, I am DONE FOR THE DAY. That means I get to do whatever I want until 4, when I have some fantastic 'ME' time.

Not only is Thursday a relaxing day, but a superb evening of television is lined up for tonight. Any guesses? Oh yeah, an hour of the 1/2 of the greatest comedies on Television. I say 1/2 comedy because I am in love with 30 rock, but I'm not sure I could pick a favorite. Luckily I won't have to because they're both on Thursday nights when I have nothing else to be doing except enjoying myself.

Friday is slowly being knocked out of the favorites list because it marks the day when I have only one class, and I usually accomplish nothing except attending that one class. This is no fun because I don't have enough days in the week to do everything that I need to. Saturday is also a very not favorite day because I feel like I shouldn't have to study. Feeling like I shouldn't have to study is a BAD FEELING because come Monday, I am stressed beyond belief.

Soooo that's why I love today. Today I can relax and pretend like Monday is never going to come again.

(I am now singing "Monday Monday" except it's "Thursday Thursday bah buh bah buh buh bah" in my head. I hope it's in your head, too.)


Erica Layne | Let Why Lead said...

Man I miss those days sitting on the grass with a sugar and spice donut (or loaf of bread). Mmmm. I like Thursdays too! Yours sounds fabulously relaxing and yet productive too. How satisfying.

Mallory Jan said...

Yes it is now in my head. The funny thing is I have been singing that song on and off for the past little while too. Weird. I like thursdays too.

Alaina said...

I must be old. I find myself worrying greatly about your academics.

NatAttack said...

Thursday is the new Friday! It has such less pressure to have fun than Friday (at least it even STILL does for me!) so we typically ended up doing something unexpectedly fun! I fully support Thursday love.