Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Baby Shower for Rachel

Two weeks before Rachel and Chad had their baby girl, my sisters and I threw together this baby shower!  It was really fun and fairly low stress.  I had a lot of time to prepare and put decorations together, Mal made some excellent sugar cookies, and Alaina did an awesome job with decorations and invitations. We had a "build your own fruit pizza bar" and also served some salad and lemon bars (direct request from mom to-be)

This is a gorgeous print that our Aunt Erin (Black) made for Rachel's nursery.  I'm sure it will look so good in this baby's pink and green themed nursery.
Small family photo to end it all.


Erica Layne | Let Why Lead said...

You know I eat these things up since I'm too far away to come to most of the fun stuff! Thanks for sharing! The fruit pizza bar was genius!

Mmmm, raspberry sauce!

Cheri said...

The shower was awesome! It was obvious the amount of thought, planning, effort it took. Your kindess and love shown through. That concentration game with matching gifts was amazing. I thought those cookies were store-bought. Everything was great. Thank you!

Andrea said...

Cute baby shower! And your family is so gorgeous.

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